In cooperation with the Neurological Institute and the Association of patients with Parkinson’s disease Trepetlika from Slovenia, we have prepared a project, in which we enable objective tremor measurements of patients with Parkinson’s disease.
The system enables noncontact measurements with the use of one or more cameras. Colour markers are put on the patients and recorded by cameras during tremor. Then the system analyzes the tremor and shows the frequency and maximum amplitude of tremor or any other characteristic that is important to doctors. Beside these basic measurements, the system also enables measuring of speed and angles of patient’s extremities.
The speciality and the advantage over other systems for tremor measuring is in the fact that these measurements are noncontact. This means that the measurement itself is not obstructive; therefore the patient has no contact and consecutively there is no influence on the characteristics of tremor. We have provided various options for this project. One of these is to set the system in neurological clinic, where we have the option of using multiple cameras on special stands. The second is to use one camera on PC, which a patient can use at home. We are developing the system together with experts at the neurological clinic also for commercial purposes and are anticipating to develop a system that will be in the price range of smaller institutions or for private use of people with Parkinson’s disease.