Wise Coach is an original concept aimed to support routine diagnostics and research work in biomechanics, motor control and behaviour, rehabilitation medicine, etc.
It encompasses three main components:
○ Software for single measurement modules
○ Custom made braces and sensors for measurement stations
○ Master integration software for goal directed statistics and report
The process of innovation and upgrade is an ongoing and until now twenty measurement modules have been developed.
Goal directed products for acquisition and analyses of biological and biomechanical signals are focused on measurements in the field of strength, power, speed, coordination, balance and flexibility; thereby using force plate, EMG, electronic goniometers, and electronic force sensors.
Tensiometry modules of our product Wise Coach were installed at the biggest Slovenian sport faculty at Ljubljana. All modules were adjusted for signal acquisition with an AMTI force plate used in this case.
For more information please see our manuals:
1. Wise Coach- Application Server
2. Wise Coach- Measurement Models